Histories | Data | Eco-Systems
The eco-systems this project investigates are:
Manchester-Salford | Gateshead | Dartmoor villages | Peterborough | Eilean Siar, Stornoway | Aberdeen and Hinterland
In each ecosystem the research will comprise the same set of core research methods to investigate the nature and significance of everyday participation:
- Local histories of participation, value and governance
- Mapping of local cultural assets and participation opportunities
- Longitudinal household interviews. Two waves of in-depth qualitative interviews in 30 households to explore time use, tastes, activities and stakes attached to participation, in the context of life histories, personal relationships, attitudes and sense of personal identity and belonging.
- Ethnographies. Observing how communities are formed through participation in formal cultural environments, such as a museum or religious centre, and more informal settings such as a pub or skateboard park.
- Social Network Analysis (SNA) of participants. Analysis to understand how networks are formed through participation and to identify the key relationships between actors and institutions and their connections to other domains and sectors
Eco-system research will also include collaborative, co-produced and participatory activities shaped by the interests and involvement of communities within each area.