We are delighted to announce the publication of Understanding Everyday Participation’s second special issue of Cultural Trends. This issue focuses on the situated nature and territorial dynamics of participation. It contains six main articles that explore – in different ways and various contexts – how everyday cultural practices and understandings of their value both shape and are influenced by place, space and locality.
Journal contents:
- Editorial: Everyday participation and cultural value in place; Andrew Miles and Lisanne Gibson (publication expected 6/02/17)
- Fields of participation and lifestyle in England: revealing the regional dimension from a reanalysis of the ‘Taking Part’ Survey using Multiple Factor Analysis; Adrian Leguina and Andrew Miles
- The park and the commons: vernacular spaces for everyday participation and cultural value; Abigail Gilmore
- Libraries and the geography of use: how does geography and asset ‘attractiveness’ influence the local dimensions of cultural participation?; Varina Delrieu and Lisanne Gibson
- The village in the city: participation and cultural value on the urban periphery; Andrew Miles and Jill Ebrey
- Counting the Pennies: The politics of place and the cultural value of charity shopping in the creative economy; Delyth Edwards and Lisanne Gibson
- Performing Moreton Hampstead: rurality, participation and cultural value; Kerrie Schaefer, Delyth Edwards and Jane Milling
The first Understanding Everyday Participation special issue
The first Understanding Everyday Participation special issue of Cultural Trends contains articles by Eleonora Belfiore, Jill Ebrey, Lisanne Gibson and Delyth Edwards, Andrew Miles and Mark Taylor, which set out some of our early findings. It also frames the central propositions of Understanding Everyday Participation. The research is concerned with the orientation of cultural policy and state-funded cultural programming, cultural participation, and value.
UEP argues that cultural policy and state-funded cultural programming is in need of a radical overhaul, beyond the orthodoxy of cultural engagement approaches which are based on a narrow definition (and understanding) of participation – and which obscure the significance of other forms of cultural participation situated locally in the everyday realm.