Intensive research has been underway in Gateshead, UEP’s 3rd ‘cultural ecosystem’, since March this year and at this half way point we are bringing together the local stakeholders to inform and consult with them of the emerging findings. Gateshead stakeholders have been incredibly generous with their time and with providing us with access to data on a whole range of participation types which we are using to build a ‘thick description’ of participation in Gateshead. Wave one of the household interviews is complete and the community engagements and focus groups have started to give us a deep and revealing understanding of everyday participation and the ways in which different activities are valued in Gateshead. An auto-ethnography, co-produced with a group of girls in care looking at both their ‘facilitated cultural participation’ and their everyday participation in order to understand the different values and meanings they place of these different activities and participation forums is about to commence, as well as a Social Network Analysis of ‘socially informed’ cultural practice in Gateshead over the last twenty years. For more detail see Gateshead Interim Report.
Contact: Dr Lisanne Gibson: for further information