The research team held a meeting with local community stakeholders in Cheetham and Broughton last month, to explore early findings and to discuss ways in which the research might be used in different ways by communities.
The meeting included a chance to hear about the different methods used in the two areas, to consider some responses from different participants in the research and to see some local data mapping and historical research. We also presented the ethnographic fieldwork which has focused on two main areas: parks and green spaces in Cheetham and Broughton, and charity shopping.
The people attending were from various community groups and third sector organisations, as well as representatives from Manchester City Council, Salford City Council and Salford Community Leisure Trust. Discussions were lively, and demonstrated interest in how the research might inform hidden forms of participation, how different groups and interests are (and are not) represented within the use and provision of community assets and facilities in the localities, and what direction and next steps the research team might take in an ‘application project’ with local stakeholders.
This meeting is now being followed up through individual conversations and through the development of activities applying research findings in a policy context, to be announced.
To download the interim briefing report on this first eco-system case study click here – UEP_Briefing_Cheetham_Broughton
To see a short presentation on the history of parks in the area click here – Understanding Everyday Participation – History of Parks – Patrick Doyle