UEP methods at the UEP methods conference

The Doing Research on Participation conference hosted dozens of papers from across the UK, Europe and further afield.  Below are slides and audio from each UEP presentation.

  • Susan Oman’s presentation drew on paradata from her nationwide focus groups on well-being. These data suggest that everyday conversations offer the same well-being effects as more formal participation methods, and by extension indicate that research and evaluations which assume the social effects of certain forms of cultural participation are currently overreaching in their claims.


  • UEP’s Manchester-Salford case study informs Abi Gilmore’s reflections on methods. In particular, Abi offers an account of a complex participatory project in Cheetham Park, Manchester which was a collaboration between the Manchester Jewish Museum, an artist-in-residence, University researchers, and participants from local community and stakeholder groups.


  • Ruth Webber’s PhD explores how migrant women in Glasgow negotiate identity, heritage and ‘home’ in their everyday lives. Ruth’s presentation explains how giving participants the time and space to record their everyday life using a number of media including photography, writing and collage, would enable them to reflect on these activities and be live agents in knowledge production (Bourdieu)



    The complex relationship between participation and socio-spatial mobilities was the focus of Andy Miles and Adrian Leguina’s presentation. 
     They explain how combining quantitative analysis of panel data with text mining techniques to examine participation narratives from qualitative in-depth interviews

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